Radio Frequency Body Contouring

Eliminate Fat and Loose Skin Kingston

What is Radiofrequency Skin Tightening?

Skin Tightening in Kingston

AccentTM, provides controlled heat therapy to tighten skin on the face and body and eliminate fat.  The treatment process is entirely comfortable, quick and  virtually pain free. You’ll go through a series of visits to see the full benefits.

Treatment for Fat reduction, cellulite, skin tightening and various skin conditions.

Since it’s not surgery—there are no incisions, stitches or even  anesthesia needed – there’s no recovery time. You can go straight back to work or home, with no one the wiser. Accent helps treat any problem areas you might have by tightening and ïŹrming any loose, wrinkled skin anywhere on the body. The treatment is frequently  been used to improve the thin, delicate skin on the face, neck and under the upper arms. Many patients also seek treatment for a post-surgical or postnatal abdomen, thighs or buttocks.  Accent has  proven safe and effective for those areas, too. New collagen is what gives you the smooth texture, elastic,quality and beautiful radiance of youthful skin. Depending on the size of the treated area, a treatment may take up to 45 minutes. It is particularly powerful around the eyes and jawline.

accent your body machine

Firming of the skin

Patients can enjoy noticeable firming of the skin following treatment.

Reduction of fat

Reducing fat, contouring curves and improving cellulite.

Improve the look of stretch marks and scars

The radio frequency skin tightening treatment improves the overall quality of skin, reducing the appearance of scar and stretch marks.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening in Kingston

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