Clear Pigment/Dark Spots /Age spots
Treatment of Brown age spots, Freckles and Café-au-lait spots
Pigmented Lesion Removal in London
Nearly everyone has one or more pigmented lesions. Some are caused by sun exposure, others by aging. Still others are congenital. Regardless of the cause, pigmented lesions are simply spots on the skin where there is a higher concentration of melanin. Some lesions are flat; others are raised. Pigmented lesions may be in the form of age spots or freckles and these can be successfully lightened with Advanced Fluorescent Technology.Harmony xli ” AFT for precise pigment removal”
- Brown age spot removal
- Freckles removal
- Cafe-au-lait spot removal
Advanced Laser Technology
By exposing a pigmented lesion to short-pulses of visible light, the temperature in the highly concentrated melanin can be raised sharply; enough to shatter the cells containing the melanin. The body then replaces these cells with new cells generated by the surrounding, untreated area. The Laser can treat the following;
Brown age spots (also called liver spots or solar lentigines) are pigment accumulations in the upper layer of the skin due to sun exposure. They occur on the face, neck, chest and back as well as forearms and hands.
Freckles (epithelides) are small spots of concentrated pigment stimulated by the sun that remain in stable locations on sun exposed areas.
Café-au-lait spots are the light brown colour of milky coffee; they can be small or large and appear on any part of the body.

Pigment Lesion Removal FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Protective eye wear has to be worn during the treatment. A layer of cooled gel is applied to the treatment area. The hand piece of the AFT applicator is applied to this area of cooled skin and a short pulse of light of the appropriate wavelength is released.
Tanned and dark skinned people cannot be treated with AFT. Also large dark moles or lumpy pigmentation cannot be treated with AFT. Superficial sun spots and freckles respond best to AFT.
The treatment sensation may feel like the flick of an elastic band on the skin.
Sight soreness and redness like mild sunburn may be felt soon after the treatment, which disappears after a few hours. Blisters and darkening/lightening of the skin are rarely seen.
The pigmented areas treated may darken and then fade away. Some are seen to flake before disappearing either partially or completely. Between one and four treatments may be necessary 4 weeks apart.