Non-Surgical Skin Tightening
Radiofrequency Microneedling (RFM) and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) with Focus Dual® by Lynton
What is the Focus Dual?
For the Body and Face
Give skin back its SNAP with Focus Dual, a unique combination of two of the latest clinically proven technologies for non-surgical skin lifting, firming, and tightening of the face and body: Radiofrequency Microneedling (RFM) and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU).
With the Medical CE certified Focus Dual system, you will achieve incredible results, and you can be confident that treatments are carried out to the highest safety standards, with minimal discomfort.
- The non-surgical facelift
- Non-surgical skin tightening and skin lifting
- Lift eyebrows
- Wrinkle reduction
- Treat scars
- Double chin reduction
- Jawline sculpting
- Reduce eye bags
Focus Dual offers a unique combination of the latest clinically proven technologies for face and body treatments. Radiofrequency Microneedling and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound come together to give maximum results to reduce the signs of ageing. With these gold-standard technologies we can treat the skin at EVERY layer to lift, firm, and tighten.
HIFU non-surgical face lift is a great way of addressing the effects of skin ageing without the downtime associated with surgery.
Revitalise your face, neck and body with HIFU– a revolutionary skin-tightening procedure that helps you to lift, smooth and tighten sagging skin without surgery

Radiofrequency Microneedling
Improve a variety of different skin conditions such as open pores, scars, wrinkles, and skin laxity.
Ultrafine needles penetrate the skin to different depths whilst simultaneously releasing radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat the skin in a controlled manner, stimulating a wound healing response leading to the production of new collagen and elastin.
RFM is usually 6 sessions.
- Smooths & evens acnescars & bumps
- Helps smooth wrinkles & fine lines
- Boosts collagen, improves skin texture & tightens the skin
- Suitable for all skin types & colours

Highly targeted fatreduction and skintightening treatmentswith High IntensityFocused Ultrasound. HIFU energy penetrates through the skin’s layers. The high frequency of the ultrasound results in heating deeper under the skin, more effectively destroying fat cells and tightening the skin. The damaged cells are flushed from the body via natural removal processes. Normally 2-3 sessions are required.
- Removes unwanted fat
- Firms & tightens lax skin
- Smooths uneven skin texture
- Non-surgical
- Comfortable treatments
Which areas can be treated
- Abdomen
- Back
- Axillary puff (underarms)
- Thighs
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Arms

Frequently Asked Questions
As part of your Focus Dual treatment we can utilise the power of two gold-standard technologies in unison, to target your specific skin concerns. Radio Frequency Microneedling and HIFU work well in combination for lifting, tightening and firming, achieving optimal rejuvenation.
HIFU stands for ‘High IntensityFocused Ultrasound’ and itis a non-surgical treatmentthat uses ultrasound to lift,firm and tighten the skin.
HIFU deposits focused ultrasoundenergy below the surface ofthe skin, contracting all skinlayers in just one treatment!This stimulates the creation of newcollagen in the area. HIFU is highlyeffective in firming, tighteningand lifting the facial skin andreducing excess skin on the body.
Collagen is a natural proteinthat gives skin its youthfulnessby keeping it firm, tight andlifted. As we age, collagenloses its structure and its abilityto stand up to the effects ofgravity. HIFU kickstarts the repairprocess and helps the skin toproduce fresh, strong collagen
You may experience some mildheating or a slight tinglingsensation during treatment.Patients describe this asmoderate and acceptable
HIFU energy penetrates throughthe skin’s layers. The highfrequency of the ultrasound resultsin heating deeper under theskin, more effectively destroyingfat cells and tightening theskin. The damaged cells areflushed from the body via anatural removal processes.
Treatments are carried outevery 4-6 weeks and typicallybetween 1 and 3 treatments arerecommended for best results
Ultrafine needles penetratethe skin to different depthswhilst simultaneously releasingradiofrequency (RF) energy to heatthe skin in a controlled manner,stimulating a wound healingresponse leading to the productionof new collagen and elastin.Our patients love how naturaltheir skin looks and the resultsget better and better over time.
Yes, younger skin that doesn’tyet require lifting and tighteningcan benefit from Microneedlingwithout the RF, where thefocus is now more on refiningpores, evening out texture andimproving overall quality.Older patients with laxity concernscan benefit from the dual effectof the Microneedling withRadiofrequency. As the FocusDual offers many different needledepths and intensity settings forthe RF, treatments can be easilycustomised for every differentskin and level of concern.
Ultrafine needles penetratethe skin to different depthswhilst simultaneously releasingradiofrequency (RF) energy to heatthe skin in a controlled manner,stimulating a wound healingresponse leading to the productionof new collagen and elastin.